Dr Sandra El Hajj


Nov 09, 2015No Comments

Have you ever been in a situation where right after locking your house door, you forget if you actually did it so you go back

Stay Young Forever: Your Ultimate Weapon!!!

Dec 10, 2015Comments off

We live in a region that still has big gaps to become one of the developed countries. Changes, at so many levels, are needed and

Lose weight FAST following the rule of B-MU...

Nov 15, 2015No Comments

Ever felt like loosing a bunch of pounds on your own without seeking anyone’s help? Here goes the rules of weight loss: Believe you can

9 Reasons why men should eat walnuts daily!

Oct 21, 2015No Comments

With all the food surrounding us, it can be difficult to identify what are the best options for us and which food can help us

Get over Hangover!

Nov 22, 2015No Comments

Whether you are a university student or a post graduate, weekend means partying! “What would be a party without alcohol and dancing” you may say.