People wait for the summer impatiently, beach and sun become everyone’s obsession. “So what! We can stand some heat”, they all think. But, what about if you are living in Qatar, Dubai or even Saudi Arabia and have to work outdoor? Do you think being outdoor at a temperature reaching 110 F can still be acceptable? Healthy? Well, here is what you need to know…
Heat exhaustion: This condition happens when you are exposed to high temperature that can be coupled by high humidity or moving a lot.
- Symptoms: oversweating and a rapid heartbeat that are the results of an over-heating of the body, dizziness, fatigue, feeling that you will faint, muscle cramps, nausea, and headache. Heat exhaustion can lead to a stroke in its worst cases.
- Preventive: there are several ways to prevent a heat exhaustion which include:
- Wearing loose clothes
- Wearing lightweight clothes and light colors
- Do not get sunburned: use a sunscreen, an umbrella
- Sit in shaded areas or indoors especially in peak heat times between 11 and 4. Look for air conditioned areas or areas with fans
- Drink a lot of fluids. Alcohol and carbonated beverages can lead to dehydration. Do not count on them to keep you hydrated in these circumstances
- If you are taking some medications, make sure that they are not affected by your body getting exposed to high heat levels.
- Cars left in outdoor parking tend to overheat in just few minutes. Make sure to cool your car before driving. PLEASE DO NOT KEEP YORU KIDS IN THE CAR ALONE AND IN HOT WEATHER AT ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!
- If you moved to a hot country, give your body some time to get used to the change in the climate.
Heat & Reproductive Health: Everyone might have heard about dehydration or even heat exhaustion, but did you know that continuous exposure to heat can affect your reproductive health? Studies have shown that exposure to heat can lead to lower sperm count and an altered sperm shape. This means that it will be more difficult for a pregnancy to happen, leading to a possible sterility for men.