
Depression: Causes, Types, Signs and Tips

Oct 14, 2015No Comments

With the word “depression” coming out of almost everyone’s conversation, people should start understanding what its true meaning is. You should understand the signs to

Get over Hangover!

Nov 22, 2015No Comments

Whether you are a university student or a post graduate, weekend means partying! “What would be a party without alcohol and dancing” you may say.

Can a doctor become a threat to his patient...

Nov 21, 2015No Comments

With time passing and despite all the advancements in the medical field, a problematic gap might still exists between doctors and patients which is interfering

Acid Reflux: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Nov 23, 2015No Comments

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease or simply reflux. It is the condition when the stomach content (food and liquids) leaks from the stomach back