colic baby adn mom's happiness

Mothers’ relationship happiness may influence infant fussiness | Penn State University

A colic baby is one of the most challenging problems many moms face. You may try to feed your baby, change the diaper, burp him or her, and even walk around the house; but, nothing may help! The Pennsylvania State University followed 3000 women, since pregnancy. Researchers were examining mothers’ social and marital status, their happiness, and the care they are receiving at home from their partner and family members. The follow-up continued for up to one month postpartum.

The findings were chocking! The study explains the following about a possible way to prevent a colic baby:

“How happy a mother is in her relationship; and, the social support she receives may affect the risk of infant colic, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers.

The study sheds a new light on the factors that may contribute to infant fussiness, a common complaint, especially among first-time mothers.Social conditions related to mental health during pregnancy, such as maternal anxiety and low social support, have previously been associated with infant colic.”

Source: Mothers’ relationship happiness may influence infant fussiness | Penn State University

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