High Proteins diet: Are you following the perfect diet?

What is a High Protein Diet?

Recently the diet pendulum has swung in favor of high protein diets as a useful weight loss tool, but very few prioritize it. A diet high in proteins is a well-known way when it comes to practical weight loss scheme, think Atkins diet! The critical factor is adding 30 to 50% of proteins and almost restricting any source of carbohydrates. It is found to be very efficient in taming hunger, thus effective in curbing extra pounds of weight. When picking this kind of weight-loss program, you have to understand that it will supplement the regular diet plan with excess proteins to your meals. So, it consists of adding some additional protein sources to your proper dietary needs.

One of the most popular nutrient-rich protein sources that are low in calories & unsaturated fat is lean meat, seafood, beans, soy, eggs, nuts, and seeds. This way of dieting restricts the usage of carbohydrates like cereals, grains, fruits, and vegetables. So, in other words, your breakfast will be a lot of cheese or some milk with eggs and without any bread or fruits. Your lunch would be lacking the rice, pasta, bread or potato factor. Sweets, cereals, and juices are a definite no-no!

What are the Benefits of High Protein Diet?

The power of high protein diets is enormous. One of the most significant advantages of a high protein diet is that take more work to process, metabolize, and utilize, which implies you blaze more calories handling them. So, your body needs more energy and will burn more calories when trying to process all this meat/protein.

Additionally, the food will take more time to leave your stomach, so you feel full sooner and for a longer measure of time. Dieters who increased 30% of their protein intake or entirely turn into the high protein diet successfully reduce 10 pounds in 12 weeks without any additional dietary measure.

What are the Side Effects of High Protein Diet?

Just like for any diet, there are some side effects. It is up to you to fully understand the necessity to follow such a weight loss program. Some of the most common side effects of high protein diet include nausea, fatigue, and constipation. The primary concern of shifting to high protein diet is that some protein sources which are rich in fat raise cholesterol thus, making an individual more susceptible to cardiovascular disorders.

One of the significant side effects of high protein and low carb diet is related to the altered functional capacity of kidneys. High protein diet strains kidney and may even worsen kidney function. This is because due to consumption of high protein diet, an individual urinates more calcium resulting in less calcium retention leading to kidney problems and joint problems.

Should You Go For It?

Unmistakably there are dangers with the high protein eating regimen. Nevertheless, there are probably approaches to make it look more favorable. If you are perfectly healthy and have no kidney diseases, you could try it for a short period and benefit from the speed of its weight loss. If you think you might be suffering from any kidney problem, feel pain in the lower back after consuming proteins or have urination problems, I would suggest you check with your doctor first to see if this is the right diet plan for you.

Remember, eating habits affect your health by more than 80%. You are what you consume. The high proteins diet is not an Atkins diet: try to eat only lean meats, no frying, no full-fat dairy and add some more vegetables. Finally, in case you decided to follow it, keep listening to your body. If after a week or so, you felt not well, then stop it and turn into a different weight loss regimen, there are tons of them.


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