Cold vs. Flu

Cold and Flu: Natural Remedies, home care and tips to heal quickly.

In seasonal waves, cold and flu start knocking on our door. In case you are working in an office, going to school or university or are just around a group of people, you might be at risk of catching something. To heal faster from Flu and colds. So, all you need to focus on is to fight cold or flu.

Sometimes when it comes to treating yourself, you get overwhelmed by the absolute amount of information available on the internet. You might even try everything you might get hold of. But, the truth is that your solutions can be as simple as ABC. You can feel free to try these excellent remedies and tips.

What is the difference between cold and flu?

Everyone faces the risks of contracting a cold or even the flu every season. While they may seem similar illnesses, they are two different ones. Here is what you need to know about both of them.

1- Symptoms of Cold vs. Flu

Cold usually starts with one first sign that is a sore throat. This soreness will go away in a couple of days. Following the first sign will start some nasal symptoms like a runny nose and congestion as well as a cough by the time you reach your fourth-day os sickness. While kids might develop a fever, adults are not likely to have one. As far as the nasal secretion, it starts off with a watery mucus that will turn into a thicker and yellowish/greenish color. This is all natural in the course of the cold. Do not worry when you see a green discharge; it is not a sign of bacterial infection. Cold can be caused by hundreds of different viruses.

Flu is usually a sickness different in severity than the regular cold. It is initiated quickly; so, it will not take you several days to develop the symptoms. Flu symptoms can be a sore throat, fever, headache, pain in the muscles and congestion. A cough and soreness will follow. In case you have swine flu, your symptoms will add up vomiting and diarrhea.

2- Duration of Cold vs. Flu

A cold usually lasts for about seven days. And yes, you are more likely contagious. In some instances, when the cold does not go away after seven days, there might be a chance that you developed a bacterial infection. While viral infections, like cold, go away on their own; bacterial infections need antibiotics. Make sure you identify your cold from other allergic symptoms like allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies or sinus infection. It is all in the duration.

Flu usually goes away in about seven days too. However, it might lead to health complications like pneumonia and shortness of breath. If these two are symptoms you are experiencing, you need to seek medical attention. Pneumonia is usually accompanied by fever. If your fever lasts for more than three days, you need to seek medical care.

While both colds and flu are contracted by contamination, one should always make sure proper hygiene is being taken care of. Both develop when you touch something or someone contaminated; and then, touch your nose, mouth or rub your eyes. It is always a good idea to keep your immune system strong. Check about the different ways to boost your immune system.

Home Remedies and natural healing at home to fight cold and flu.

Many get cold and flu and end up staying in bed or even going to work with all their symptoms. It is always a good idea to take a few days off to get your body stronger in fighting the infection. People who have a weaker immune system or nutritional deficiencies have more tendency to catch a cold and flu. You should also make sure you are not spreading your germs everywhere. Here are simple and natural ways to:

1- Take enough Vitamin C that will boost both your immune system and your white blood cells.

2- Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D. When the body receives enough sunlight, it will boost its immune system. Studies show that people who live in countries that are cold; and hence, do not get exposed a lot to the sun, have a higher rate of catching a cold.

3- Echinacea is a herb that has been used for decades to fight off infections. This herb is anti-inflammatory and helps to tame down the symptoms of cold and flu.

4- Elderberry is a herb that can break down the flu virus. It also plays a significant role in boosting your immune system and decreases the inflammation of your respiratory tract.

5- Oregano Oil that is an antiviral.

6- Zinc is a mineral that helps reduce the impact and severity of your cold or flu. It will maximize its power if you take it at the beginning of your viral infection.

7- Probiotics are great to boost your immune system.

8- Drink an infused water made with warm water, lemon, honey, and cinnamon. This drink will prevent any build-up of mucus.

9- Eat a lot of onions, garlic, and ginger tea. All these help boost your immune system.

10- Eat real food and tame down processed food.

Fight Cold and Flu: Additional guidelines for home care.

1- Take warm showers (with the bathroom door closed), it will help open airways and thin mucous.
2- Breathe steam by the closing bathroom door and opening steaming water on two teaspoons of cut ginger.
3- Stay well-hydrated by drinking at least 8 cups of water, herbal tea such as chamomile, or juices. Stay away from caffeine and carbonated beverages as they might cause dehydration
4- Use nasal saline sprays
5- Use honey to ease up coughing
6- Eat hot chicken soup especially if it has spices and garlic as it might stimulate mucous thinning.
7- Add Ginger and Garlic to your food. Ginger has been found to be a potent antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory and helps fight viral infections. Garlic, on the other hand, is antimicrobial and helps to boost the immune system. It helps congestion of the upper respiratory tract that is due to cold and flu.
8- Try an expectorant such as Mucinex, Robitussin or Actifed.
9- Try a humidifier if your congestion is getting unbearable.
10- Stay in bed and rest.

Good Luck!

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